quarta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2010

se o mundo são essencialmente imagens
os antropólogos necessitam de saber emancipar-se dos modelos exclusivos da escrita...

sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010

domingo, 31 de outubro de 2010

quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010


Taussig discusses the opacity of the questions raised: What is art? What is Involvement? What is a community? as he engages with the notion of field work with respect to the ideas of artists who work on ethnographic issues at the Sydney Bienneale.

(fonte http://www.egs.edu 06/18/2008)

quinta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2010

sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010



agora e na hora
do pânico das mães


(observação directa, p. 97)

domingo, 27 de junho de 2010

Romance antropológico

"A gripping and richly intelligent first novel of anthropologists, missionaries, demon possession, sexual taboos, murder, and an obsessed young reporter:
‘This is a great story . . . You can’t stop reading untilmidnight (good), and you don’t hate yourself in the morning (better).’ Stephen King

sábado, 12 de junho de 2010


será o site da associação portuguesa de antropologia, estagnado no tempo, o sinal evidente de um assustador esquecimento? pois é pena, com tantos acontecimentos antropológicos...a passar ao lado...

sábado, 5 de junho de 2010

o problema do mundo é que os estúpidos estão seguros de si mesmos e os inteligentes cheios de dúvidas

bertrand russel

sábado, 8 de maio de 2010


(gelatin silver)

"ready to move again"

tenho um especial apreço por estes grupos que ainda fundamentam as suas vidas na mobilidade. estas "comunidades" ao continuarem o seu modo de vida nómada estão ao mesmo tempo a prolongar uma eterna e ancestral luta: mobilidade/nómadas/pastores transumantes vs. fixação/sedentarios/agricultores

segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010


homenagem ao grande mestre benjamim pereira na fundação gulbenkian.

sexta-feira, 9 de abril de 2010


Missing link between man and apes found

The new species of hominid, the evolutionary branch of primates that includes humans, is to be revealed when the two-million-year-old skeleton of a child is unveiled this week.

Scientists believe the almost-complete fossilised skeleton belonged to a previously-unknown type of early human ancestor that may have been a intermediate stage as ape-men evolved into the first species of advanced humans, Homo habilis.The new discovery could help to rewrite the history of human evolution by filling in crucial gaps in the scientific knowledge.Experts who have seen the skeleton say it shares characteristics with Homo habilis, whose emergence 2.5 million years ago is seen as a key stage in the evolution of our species.

Most fossilised hominid remains are little more than scattered fragments of bone, so the discovery of an almost-complete skeleton will allow scientists to answer key questions about what our early ancestors looked like and when they began walking upright on two legs.

Palaeontologists and human evolutionary experts behind the discovery have remained silent about the exact details of what they have uncovered, but the scientific community is already abuzz with anticipation of the announcement of the find when it is made on Thursday.

The skeleton was found by Professor Lee Berger, from the University of the Witwatersrand, while exploring cave systems in the Sterkfontein region of South Africa, near Johannesburg, an area known as "the Cradle of Humanity".

The find is deemed to be so significant that Jacob Zuma, the South African president, has visited the university to view the fossils and a major media campaign with television documentaries is planned.

Professor Phillip Tobias, an eminent human anatomist and anthropologist at the university who was one of three experts to first identify Homo habilis as a new species of human in 1964, described the latest discovery as "wonderful" and "exciting".

Although not directly involved in the excavation and subsequent research on the fossils, he is one of the select few scientists outside the research group who have been able to see the skeletons.

He said: "To find a skeleton as opposed to a couple of teeth or an arm bone is a rarity.

"It is one thing to find a lower jaw with a couple of teeth, but it is another thing to find the jaw joined onto the skull, and those in turn uniting further down with the spinal column, pelvis and the limb bones.

"It is not a single find, but several specimens representing several individuals. The remains now being brought to light by Dr Berger and his team are wonderful."

The new fossil skeleton was found along with a number of other partially-complete fossils, encased within breccia sedimentary rock inside a limestone cave known as Malapa cave.

The protection from the elements provided by the cave is thought to have played a large part in keeping the fossils so well preserved.

The fossil record of early humans is notoriously patchy and scientists now hope that the that the new remains will provide fresh clues about how our species evolved.

Scientists believe that a group of apelike hominids known as Australopithicus, which first emerged in Africa around 3.9 million years ago, gradually evolved into the first Homo species.

Over time the Australopithicus species lost their more apelike features as they started to stand upright and their brain capacity increased.

Around 2.5 million years ago Homo habilis, the first species to be described as distinctly human, began to appear, although only a handful of specimens have ever been found.

It is thought that the new fossil to be unveiled this week will be identified as a new species that fits somewhere between Australopithicus and Homo habilis.

If it is confirmed as a missing link between the two groups, it would be of immense scientific importance, helping to fill in a gap in the evolutionary history of modern man.

Dr Simon Underdown, an expert on human evolution at Oxford Brookes University, said the new find could help scientists gain a better understanding of our evolutionary tree.

He said: "A find like this could really increase our understanding of our early ancestors at a time when they first started to become recognisable as human."

The discovery is the most important find from Sterkfontein since an almost-complete fossil of a 3.3 million year old Australopithecus, nicknamed Little Foot, was found in 1994.

Another major discovery was the well-preserved skull of a 2.15 million year oldAustralopithecus africanus, nicknamed Mrs Ples, in 1947.

Finding almost complete fossilised skeletons of human ancestors is particularly prized by the scientific community.

The presence of a pelvis and complete limb bones would allow scientists to unravel the posture and method of walking used by the extinct species.

If the specimen also contains hand bones, it could provide clues about the species' dexterity and such evidence will prove crucial in determining when the ability of modern humans to handle stone tools first emerged.

Dr Kevin Kuykendall, a palaeoanthropologist at Sheffield University, said such finds were essential in helping to fill in the gaps in our knowledge about human ancestors.

He said: "The information we have right now is probably only based on a few hundred individuals through out the whole world, but some of these are single isolated teeth.

"If this new specimen is more complete and provides better information, all those models about locomotive behaviour will have a chance to really go under scrutiny and refined."


sábado, 20 de março de 2010



em algumas cidades portuguesas já é possivel vislumbrar um certo transito quotidiano de "bicis", embora de uma forma muito timida. ao contrário do que ocorre noutros "mundos" urbanos. aproveito para contar aqui a história da minha primeira bici. foi-me dada num natal já longinquo. era uma robusta BMX com conta quilometros. na aldeia foi um tremendo sucesso. era raro o miúdo que não cobiçava uma voltinha. lembro-me que saía de casa de manhã e por muitas e muitas vezes só regressava a casa ao entardecer. lembro-me dessa imensa liberdade que a bici despoleta. o meu olhar transformou-se, conseguia viajar por caminhos desconhecidos, era todo um mundo novo que se abria ao meu olhar extasiado, eram tremendas as conquitas diárias. vivia a intensidade da essência da viagem. os aromas do vento na cara, tudo se escancarou em liberdades. o fim desta bici-liberdade foi solitário, triste, quase penitenciário. acabou numa garagem no mais completo dos abandonos, à espera dessa derradeira viagem que nunca chegou...

( * o titulo foi retirado desta obra brilhante: Élogie de la bicyclette (Éditions Payot & Rivages, 2008)
marc augé)

terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

Dans les sociétés civiles des nations concernées, on assiste à une recomposition des affiliations tribales au sein de réseaux financiers, commerciaux, mutualistes et autres. Étudiant le vote tribal, les analystes constatent que les tribus font et défont les positions politiques. En appeler au tribalisme pour le condamner renouvelle les représentations d'un monde tribal qui s'oppose à l'État, à la modernité. Les stratégies de la mondialisation renouent avec « le grand jeu tribal » des empires coloniaux, source de conflits violents et fortement médiatisés, de la Somalie et du Soudan à l'Afghanistan et au Pakistan... Jusqu'à présent, pour construire leur modèle, les sciences sociales n'ont retenu qu'un trait exclusif de la tribu : le développement des rapports de parenté en fonction de la filiation unilinéaire. Les recherches de terrain présentées ici invitent à une relecture critique de « la tribu des anthropologues ». Elles soulignent la permanence de valeurs relevant non seulement de pratiques communautaires mais aussi du genre, de la compétition et de l'honneur, valeurs qui commandent les comportements tribalistes et qui s'observent aussi bien là où la tribu voit son rôle décliner que là où elle n'existe pas même institutionnellement.

Langues anglais, français
Éditeur Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales
ISBN-10 2-7132-2245-1
ISBN-13 978-2-7132-2245-0
ISSN 0014-2182
Année de publication mars 2010
Prix recommandé 32,50

sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2010


amazing...zippos collection

quinta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2010


comprei este interessante livrinho sobre "mal-entendidos. antropologia do encontro". assumo que me surpreendeu bastante a temática. isto porque li na sinopse: "existe alguma coisa de similar a uma "arte de não compreender": uma arte do encontro que não necessita da ideia 'clara e distinta' com esta tese, La Cela desmonta o dogma contraposto e espetacular da teoria universalista e relativista (peço desculpa pela tradução).

Il malinteso. Antropologia dell'incontro
Franco la Cecla
Editori Laterza

segunda-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2010


todos os governos ocidentais deveriam ser obrigados a ver isto...até à exaustão!

terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2010

quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2010


como este é primeiro post antropológico de 2010, aproveito para desejar uma boa colheita de trabalho antropológico a todos os antropólogos e afins que por aqui deambulam. o trabalho que apresento, embora seja uma obra de 2009, abre perspectivas de trabalho interessantes no mundo da fotografia e da história. deixo a recensão.